We provide the complete commercial debt recovery service; from outsourced early arrears collections through to expert litigation, all handled in-house by a multi-award-winning law firm.


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Hospitality venues and other licensed premises operators must comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, which requires all employers to ensure ‘so far as is reasonably practical’ the health, safety and welfare of all their employees. This Act also requires employers to ensure that persons not in their employment are not exposed to risks to their health and safety connected with the work activities of the employers work.

Officers from the health and safety section of Environmental Services at your local council may visit your premises to investigate an accident, a complaint or to carry out an inspection. Below is a list of the documentation and/or equipment the officers will need to see.

  • Health and safety policy (if there are five or more employees)
  • Risk assessment (if there are five or more employees)
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Assessments (COSHH) (if there are five or more employees)
  • Staff training records (including certificates)
  • Health and safety law poster
  • Insurance of certificate of employer’s liability
  • Asbestos survey / risk assessment and asbestos management plan
  • Accident book and first aid kit(s)
  • Gas safety certificates
  • Electrical safety reports (for the fixed mains installation)
  • Electrical maintenance records (portable appliances – PAT)
  • Inspection reports for lifting equipment
  • Inspection reports for pressure systems
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE for hazardous jobs etc.)
  • Opening / Closing Checklists
  • List of appointed persons (first aiders / fire assembly etc.)

You should keep a log of the locations of each of these items, as well as the date they were last checked and the signature of the person responsible for them.

To use our log sheet that already has this laid out in an easy-to-use table, download a free copy by filling in the form above.



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