Recommended commercial property searches
An overview of the searches that should be considered when carrying out commercial property transactions.
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Clowes Developments (UK) Limited, owner of a new modern warehouse at Junction 28 of the M1, appointed us to undertake the legal work in connection with a new long-term lease.
Agent, FHP Property Consultants, agreed on a deal with a new tenant, Celtic Technologies Limited, who relocated from South Wales to the area in order to accommodate their expanding remediation business and take advantage of improved transport links.
A spokesperson for our Property team commented on the commercial lease deal:
“It is always a pleasure to work alongside Clowes Developments and FHP to bring yet another deal to a swift conclusion. We wish Celtic Technologies all the very best with their relocation.”
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For more information and advice on commercial leases, please contact us on 01332 226 125 or complete the form below.
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