We provide the complete commercial debt recovery service; from outsourced early arrears collections through to expert litigation, all handled in-house by a multi-award-winning law firm.


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Civil fraud claims

We understand the disruption and stress that fraud can cause to you and your business.

Our civil fraud solicitors will work closely with you to help identify and deal with fraud as quickly as possible, minimising any loss to you and your business and increasing the chances of recovery.

In situations where the fraudster does not have any assets or cannot be found, we will advise you on your options to pursue third parties who might have inadvertently benefitted from or been indirectly responsible for the fraud, such as employers of fraudsters and innocent recipients of fraudulently obtained goods.

We will provide you with detailed and prompt advice to enable you to decide on the best route to resolution. Initiating a civil action can often lead to a quicker resolution than criminal proceedings, given the time often required by the police and regulatory authorities to decide whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute. We are happy to run a civil claim for you in conjunction with and alongside criminal proceedings, or we can help you use information obtained in pursuing your civil action to refer a claim to the police or regulatory authorities.

Where necessary, we will use external expertise such as handwriting experts, trace agents, forensic IT experts, forensic accountants and asset tracers to ensure that you receive the best evidence and support in dealing with your fraud claim.

Civil fraud and recovery lawyers

Our experienced dispute resolution solicitors have secured repayment for our clients in a wide array of situations. These include:

  • Recovering a client’s goods that had ended up in the hands of an innocent third party due to fraud.
  • Identifying probate fraud that ultimately led to the criminal prosecution of the perpetrator and the recovery of a deceased’s estate for the client.
  • Identifying fraudulent transactions for a debt recovery client to enable them to act quickly to stop any further loss.
  • Recovering significant sums from a third-party company who was responsible for their employee’s fraudulent spending on a company credit card that would have been irrecoverable from the individual fraudster who had no money or assets.
  • Dealing with the abuse of customer loyalty schemes, where fraudulent documents had been used to claim payments or where false claims had been made.

While we will primarily assist you in progressing a civil action, we will, where appropriate, alongside civil claims, lodge reports with Action Fraud to support police investigations, produce reports to other regulatory bodies and provide evidence to the Crown Court in cases involving fraud.

We also have considerable experience in successfully obtaining freezing injunctions to freeze funds and bank accounts to preserve our clients’ position and prevent further fraud from being committed.

For more information and advice in dealing with civil fraud, please contact us on 01332 226 138 or complete the form below.

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