Redundancy and restructures: Legal guidance for the education sector
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In 2015, the Modern Slavery Act introduced three new criminal offences:
In addition to avoiding violation of any of the offences, commercial organisations with a total annual turnover of more than £36m are required to prepare and publish an annual slavery and human trafficking statement.
It is each organisation’s responsibility to determine whether the legislation applies to them and it is important to take into consideration that the ‘total annual turnover’ is inclusive of the entire organisation, including any subsidiary undertakings (even if they operate wholly outside of the UK).
Although there is no set format for the annual slavery and human trafficking statements, the Home Office’s guidance recommends that you cover your:
Your statement should also demonstrate that you are acting transparently and disclosing information about any modern slavery risks that you have identified and what actions you have taken in response to them. It is also important to emphasise the steps that you are taking to address any possible risks and that you are prioritising your actions to achieve maximum impact.
Contact Us
If you require assistance with drafting or reviewing your contracts, such as your annual slavery and human trafficking statement, please call us on 01332 226 130 or complete the form below.
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