Disability and resignation: Tribunal rules on employee's right to rescind
A Tribunal ruling highlights the importance of assessing disability impacts on resignations, warning employers of potential discrimination claims.
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In order to be eligible, employers must register by 23:59 on 12 April 2021.
The Government guidance states that if a business is closed, or tests cannot presently be undertaken, employers should still register so they can order tests in the future.
The Government is recommending that “private-sector employers offer their workforce (who are on-site) access to a minimum of 2 lateral flow tests every week”. Three options are suggested for conducting tests:
Whilst employers may find the guidance provided by the Government useful, it is important to remember that employers ultimately remain responsible for undertaking their own workplace risk assessments and should also refer to any guidance published by the Health and Safety Executive.
Details of how to register for the free tests can be found here:
You can also find details of Government guidance on the different options for testing here:
Government information about rapid lateral flow tests is available here:
Contact Us
Should you require any further information on COVID-19 tests for employers or any other employment law related issues that you may be facing, please contact a member of our Employment team on 01332 226 149 or complete the form below.
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